Day 1 - Let's Start Talking About Real Estate
/Why are we here?
My girlfriend asked me recently, “Why do you want to do this?”
“I have something to say,” I said, feeling confident that would be enough to get my point across.
She looked at me with intense concentration. “And what exactly do you want to say?”
With that question, she cornered me in to stating my desires out loud. What exactly was I wanting to communicate with a blog? I did my best to explain it to her. My answer wasn’t very eloquent (I’ve never been accused of being that), but I got my point across. We had a nice conversation about what I could share with readers and what we could learn from such a process.
After her questioning, though, I realized I needed to lay out a vision for the blog from the outset.
The Mission
To help further the personal growth of every visitor, along with my own, in the areas of commercial real estate, debt reduction, investing and retirement planning.
Okay, that mission statement is a bit impersonal, but I’ve always found them to be that way. It’s a decent outline of what I’m shooting for, though, so cut me some slack if you think it’s too official sounding.
How are we going to achieve the mission?
Building Income will be a platform to share my knowledge and experiences in real estate, from investing in commercial real estate to property management, as well as my journey towards financial freedom. Visitor interaction will be encouraged. Please take some time to weigh in on what’s shared, give your own opinions, ask questions and give suggestions.
I will make mistakes going forward. I understand that and I hope you'll be forgiving as I continue to learn. I’ve also made many mistakes in the past and have worked to learn from them. I will share these stories so that you can learn from them and, hopefully, avoid the missteps I have made.
Why should you care?
I’m a commercial real estate broker, investor and developer. On the investing and developing side, I’m still in the early stages of my career and can share what I’ve found. Most blogs that deal with real estate investing focus on residential real estate or flipping so I’m hoping to add something to the general conversation.
I’ll also talk about my experiences as a property manager, both as an employee and acting on my own behalf. I’m looking to bring something that most folks haven’t seen before.
And I’m still learning and will share those “a-ha” moments that are occurring to me as I move towards my own financial goals. I’ll make recommendations on books, articles, and more to help you learn and improve your own situation.
Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions.
This a journey we can take together.