How to Bumble Your Way Through a Blog Rebrand

How to Bumble Your Way Through a Blog Rebrand

In the previous post, I mentioned the need to rebrand. Now, let’s talk about how to go about making it happen. Before we get too far down the road, let me state the obvious—I’m not a branding expert.

Had I been an expert, I wouldn’t have initially selected Building Income as a brand name, thereby necessitating a rebrand. However, I’m not afraid of change or some bumbles along the way. With that said, let’s get to work.

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Don’t be Afraid of Change

Don’t be Afraid of Change

If you’ve never been here, then everything looks as it should. Feel free to skip this post and move on to the next article. However, if you’ve visited the site before, you might notice some big changes. It’s gone through a rebranding, and if you give me a few minutes, I’ll tell you why it happened.

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Tools of the Rich #1 – Depreciation

Tools of the Rich #1 – Depreciation

An October 13th, 2018 article in the New York Times discussed how Jared Kushner avoided paying almost no federal income taxes several years running. According to the article, Kushner, who has a net worth of $324M plus, paid little to no taxes from 2009 through 2016. Just by my first two sentences, you can see the slant of the article – how things are tilted unfairly toward the rich.

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What are the Poor Four?  And are They Keeping You from Being Wealthy?

What are the Poor Four?  And are They Keeping You from Being Wealthy?

I read the most astounding paragraph in the June 19th, 2018 edition of USA Today. In Wealth of Millionaires Surges 10.6% to top $70 Trillion for the First Time, David Carrig was reporting on the World Wealth Report 2018 recently released from global consulting firm Capgemini. It was the third paragraph of the article that really caught my attention,

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The Investment Property Process

The Investment Property Process

If you’re looking to purchase an investment property, whether it be a residential single-family home or a commercial building, the purchasing process is very similar. While there are some differences between the two processes, I thought they are close enough that I thought we should take a quick run through to get a discussion in place for future articles.

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Investing is Risky. So is Life. Get over it.

Investing is Risky.  So is Life.  Get over it.

We spend our lives with risk.

There is everyday risk like driving to and from work, school, or some event with our spouse. At any moment, we put ourselves on the road with other people who may or may not be in full control of themselves whether it be from alcohol, lack of sleep, or relationship induced stress. Some of these people are just plain morons who should not be allowed to drive - but they're given a license anyway and we willingly chose to get on the road with them.

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Do the Wealthy Get Tattoos?

Do the Wealthy Get Tattoos?

I’m afforded a position where I work daily with a wealthy clientele. Most of this group came to their affluence through hard work and creativity. In other words, it wasn’t generational, gifted upon them by a relative after their passing. These men and women had to get up every morning to earn their piece of the pie. The majority of them are baby boomers and Gen Xers. However, some of my clients are now millennials who have out-hustled others and created their wealth early in life. I consider myself lucky to work with these clients because I’m able to learn by their example.

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The Attack of the Side Hustle!

The Attack of the Side Hustle!

When I purchased my first commercial building, I was a property manager. Therefore, it was natural for me to accept the same role for our investing group. It dove-tailed nicely into my day-to-day routine. I could field calls throughout the day for my own property as well as from the portfolio I managed. Everything rolled together well. It was a comfortable fit.

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Why Viewing Pet Ownership as Only a Cost is Short-Sighted

Why Viewing Pet Ownership as Only a Cost is Short-Sighted

I want a dog.

Until recently I’ve had a dog, even a couple dogs at a time. I’ve had them since I was a little boy. They’ve been there to catch tennis balls and run through various neighborhoods. Dogs have listened to my stories of success as well as tales of woe. Moments of crazy happiness have been had with them as well as calm reflection.

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Rich Habits

Rich Habits

I listened to a past episode of Money Peach (, where Tom Corley, the author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, was interviewed.

I started the podcast not knowing what to expect. I’d never heard of Corley nor his book. This would later surprise me, because I thought of myself as a tuned-in reader, especially when it comes to personal finance books. I know I haven’t read all of them related to the subject, but I think I’m at least aware of them. Obviously, not.

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Are We a Nation of Perpetual Children?

Are We a Nation of Perpetual Children?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about a word that I believe we avoid to describe our actions - immature.

The word makes many of us feel bad when we see it or hear it applied to our behavior. We fought so hard against it when we were young. We told our parents we were mature and ready to go out and make our own way. There's no way that word could still be applied to us as adults, right?

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How I Bought My First $1.5M Commercial Building

How I Bought My First $1.5M Commercial Building

In late 2016, we bought a 10,135 square foot retail building in Deer Park, Washington. At that point, it was the largest and most expensive building I’d been a part of acquiring. Quite frankly, I was a bit scared that we could pull it off. Up until then, the most expensive building I had purchased with partners was $390,000. The building we were contemplating was almost four times that price. It made my heart race considering it.

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